Our Worship

Our Services are held in Gleneagles Day Opportunities, Gleneagles Road, Perth PH2 0AW.

Sunday Service is held at 11.00 a.m.  Bible Study and Prayer Meeting on Thursday 7.30 p.m. over ZOOM at present. Contact for details. 

Grace Baptist Church Perth is a small but growing fellowship of people. All of us have a passion for Christ and about introducing Christ to as many people in Perth as we can.

As a body of believers our aim and desire is to be used of God and that we can impact people who live in Perth and the surrounding area with the good news of the gospel. This good news is a life changing message! We want to be living witnesses for Christ and the gospel in our community.

If you are a Christian looking for a place to grow your faith, a place where you will be able to serve in Perth, we would love to welcome you.

If you are looking for answers especially at this time when the world seems to be in turmoil and when so many people are living in fear and are disillusioned; again we would love to welcome you and try and answer those questions for you.

We are a church that believes the Bible is the inspired infallible inerrant word of God.

We believe that the Bible is our highest authority in all matters of teaching and practise.

We are an evangelical church which preaches the doctrines of grace.

A good way of understanding our beliefs is found in the five Solas of the reformation

by Scripture Alone

by Faith Alone

by Grace Alone

in Christ Alone

to the Glory of God Alone