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If you would like to get in touch, please contact our pastor, Joe Brown, by email below:

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From the south:

Via M90 travelling north: take Junction 10 exit signposted A912 (Edinburgh Road). Follow the road down hill for one mile, then turn left onto Gleneagles Road. You will find us about 300 yds along on the right hand side, opposite a 20mph sign.

From the north:

Via A9 travelling south: leave the A9 at Broxden junction following the A93 (Glasgow Road) towards Perth. Continue 2 miles until you come to a roundabout opposite Lidl. Turn right at the roundabout along Glover Street. Follow this road through traffic lights at Craigie Cross, it becomes Priory Place, and then Glenearn road. Continue along this road until you reach the junction opposite Tesco. Turn right onto Edinburgh Road and then cross a small roundabout (3rd exit). Gleneagles Road is about half a mile up Edinburgh Road on the right hand side. You will find us about 300 yds along on the right hand side, opposite a 20mph sign.

By train:

We are located about 2 miles from Perth rail station, in south Perth. Please contact us if you need picking up.

Find us

This is where we meet each Sunday, but as it is a council venue used by other groups, we cannot receive correspondence here.

Gleneagles Day Opportunities Centre
Gleneagles Road

Please be aware that throughout the course of the coronavirus pandemic, our regular worship may be cancelled, or made available online only. Please refer to our latest news for the most up-to-date information.